Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Building Arts Communities in Kingston...TONIGHT!

Read the Kingston Whig Standard article on Arts in the community and what Simon Brault has to say and will be saying tonight at the Grand Theatre.

Kingston Arts Council Presents: Building Arts Communities in Kingston [Teaser] from josh lyon on Vimeo.

The Kingston Arts Council wants to hear from you! We will be hosting a public forum, 1pm on Thursday February 16th at The Renaissance Event Venue (285 Queen St.), to follow-up the Feb 15th inspiring presentations and video documentary. This will be an opportunity for you to share ideas and form new partnerships through moderated discussions on many of the topics covered at the Building Arts Communities In Kingston seminar.

Kingston Arts Council Presents: Building Arts Communities in Kingston [Teaser 2] from josh lyon on Vimeo.

Monday, February 6, 2012

February ART Fun!

Good morning all, I found this on my Facebook Page this morning and thought I'd pass it on. I'm game for the Club on Wednesday night if anyone else wants to go down and make up a team for the me if you're interested.

This screen shot is on the Entrepreneurship Centre web site under Programs and Events.

For any of you who are on Facebook, this is from the Facebook Page for the Entrepreneurship Centre....

Reminder:  Artists Round Table  
KEDKO Tomorrow 11am


Reg suggested we really make an effort to come up with ideas for our meetings

Making changes in your artistic career, I'm doing this and would really like to hear from other artists and artisans who have done this.

The new 'Fanfayr'.

Cheers, Carolyn