Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Maker Shake at OCC

I don't know how many of you are members of the Ontario Crafts Council but they recently had their annual Maker Shaker event! What a party!!!

Bernadette Prat with my friend Sonja Fijn
I drove down earlier in the day as I had errands to run and a grandson to visit. Then I met up with the others at the club at 5 Brock Street. Jane Thelwell drove down some others....Joan Heaton (president of the Kingston Artis Council) and Alexi and Marielle from Kingston Glass Studio.

Jane and Joan shmooze!
Here Jane and Joan chat with friends. If the photos seem strange colours it's because of the huge light in the main room that kept changing colours!

Marielle & Alexi
Her are Marielle and Alexi in front of the room in which the auction items were displayed. Donations came from artist but also supporters. One was a night in Montreal, my friend Karen Franzen bid and won that. Jane always bids on and goes home with more art too.

Jane & Ber
Brenda, ex of Kingston Arts & Letters Club, showed up and Jane and she spent time catching up.

Hand made 'shaker' glasses.
If you paid $30 you got to keep your glass and have a great martini in it. Otherwise the food and drink flowed, great martinis (named after craft techniques like Batik Blue) all included in your price of admission ($25 for OCC Members), important to starving artists

Carolyn & Karen Franzen
Here I am with my Facebook friend Karen Franzen. We met years ago when I founded the Beach Studio Tour in Toronto. It's so great to stay connected with social media.

Remember - next Artists Round Table: 
June 5th 10:30am
Carolyn's home:

Friday, May 11, 2012

Creativity - John Cleese

I had to share this with you, I can't remember who posted it on my Facebook page but I love it....I have loved John Cleese over the years in his many incarnations. He had a PBS (?) program on the face with Elizabeth Hurley that I loved, a few years ago. Here he is again with his humour, simplicity and brilliance.