Well, we had our meeting at Tina Roeder's and there were seven of us all with news about things we have just done or are involved in now. It was a busy meeting with lots explored and great rhubarb cake made by Tina.
Joanne Hoftyzer is looking for two or three other artists to exhibit with her in Amherstview...give her a call or drop her an email: 613-384-5508 jhoftyzer@cogeco.ca.
Nicole Coture-Lord announced the photography exhibition at the Central branch of the Public Library in the Wilson Room, the Kingston Photographic Club....go take a look, I went to the opening evening, which is always a great time to go as you meet the photographers and get to ask questions. A wonderful exhibition.
Cathy Hamilton talked about her work being on exhibition at the Wolfe Island Bakery for June & July, also at the Vaga Gallery in Gananoque which is open from May to October.
Reg Aitken who is a photographer, talked about wanting to get back to his painting, with oils, acrylics, something which was a surprise to us that he painted! Also he wants to add stones to the walking sticks he makes....as we are all getting on a bit we might want a well made, smart cane in the future!
Annette told us about some of the groups she has come to Reg's Ceramics, groups of folk with disabilities and also teens. Something popped into my mind and I suggested she might approach real estate agents to come and have a fun afternoon or evening making gifts for their clients. Many years ago when I closed on a house in the Beach in Toronto my agent came and gave me a beautiful dried flower wreath which she had purchased from another Beach artisan....who I came to know. I still have it. One of Reg's vases hand painted by an agent would make a memorable gift to a home purchaser....I thought so anyway.
Tina said not much had been happening business wise but now things are picking up and she's getting busy....perhaps wedding season helps in her line.
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My booth in aisle I. |
I had just come back from the One of a Kind show in Toronto where I had been for five long days over Easter. As I hadn't done 2012 this was a fresh feeling for me and I enjoyed it and learned some new things I wanted to share.
Card Readers. |
We often have conversations about taking credit cards in our studios and at shows and the different companies and ways. I have used Visa for thirty years, MC for about 15 and Am Ex for about 12 (I make one Am Ex sale per year but at least I don't miss it!)
We have discussed point of sale devices that you rent, PayPal, Moneris and other ways. I found a new way at the show that I saw many artists using especially the woman next to me where I learned lots and got to pick her brain....she was great.
I have used PAYD since I enrolled last year for the Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition but now I have Square...I enrolled on my laptop late one night and sent my husband out the next day to pick up a card reader at Best Buy. I made one sale, the company verified my account and the money is in my account.
You use these on your smart phones or iPad.
Pros & Cons:
PAYD has a sales limit of $2000 per month but up that to $1500 for shows. Square hasn't a ceiling.
PAYD is 2.75% whether you swipe or key in the credit card. Square is 2.75% for swiped but over 3% for keyed in. Square adds in tax (you set that up.
Those are the main things but Square has a wonderful app that if you are using it on your iPad (or even your smart phone) you can inventory your stock!
Anyway, when I was setting up I felt old as all about me were young things (30somethings) but I learned from them, shared with them and found out that my other neighbour recognized my name as she had been on the OAC jury for one of my grant applications!!!!! She told me she didn't understand the reasoning behind some of the awards and denials! (I think she thought I should have had one).