Thursday, March 29, 2012

Art Card Exchange

I thought I'd upload a few pics of the art cards I collected at two Art Card events I have been to. We all have business cards and brochures we hand out for promoting our businesses and art but these ones are too delicate but they're fun!

Here are the front and backs of some I have in my binder. Some were just a lot of fun on the front with information written in marker on the back. Mine (the mauve felt with a button and yellow wool) had the info ironed on with transfer that I printed from the computer. There is one that is machine embroidered. 

The top left has a hole in it where dangles a glass bead, the one with the stars is of polymer clay (hey that gives me an idea for mine!)

The card in the upper left is one I did for an Art Card exchange in Ottawa organized by the Ontario Arts Council a few years ago. It was fun and I got to meet artists from the Ottawa area.

This one is made of wood by Spinning Madly! but 

One artisan brought her son who had hand drawn some cards himself. 
Creativity and just plain fun!

Shoot for May and I'll see you at the Entrepreneurship Centre.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I Am Water

You may have read about this in the EMC or other local pulications this week or read Sue's page in Kingston Life.
I'm looking forward to taking in this exhibition and to going to the opening so I can learn more
See you at the...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Group Post Just for Fun!

Rather a damp but happy group of my Felting Workshop.
As we sit at the March ART we are reviewing the email and contact list of the Artists Round Table as Barb says she is not getting the emails and posts.

I am wrestling with Google Groups, and we all know that Google has made a bunch of changes, to find out just how it works.

Cathie Hamilton is listed on the email list when I do a search but does not appear on the list pairs of eyes on it!!!! (Barb's, Nicole's and mine).

If anyone has any insight or finds they also are not receiving the emails (hmmm you won't get this will you?!) let me know as I don't want anyone to miss anything.

Also, I will post anything that you send me as to workshops, events, gallery openings and such, so do send them to me at

Kingston City Hall by Nicole Couture-Lord

Barb has been working on art exhibitions at the Wolf Island Baker/Cafe at 311 Queen St in Kingston. Currently Nicole Couture-Lord is on show there until March 15th.

Starting March 15th will be Jeff Gill at the Bakery for six weeks....

Check it out and have a snack.