Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Art Supply Sale!

This sounds like a great idea and I'm going to comb my studio for stuff I'll never use!.......

As artists we've all done it..bought supplies with an art project in mind and never completed it or in some cases never started it!  

Why let them pile up in your workspace?  
Support Modern Fuel by donating them to the Unfinished Art Sale!  
Bring them anytime Tues-Sat 12-5pm until June 30th.  

Then be sure to attend the sale Saturday July 14 to pick up new items to start another project!  

We are also accepting any unread books, unwatched DVD's that you've never gotten around too as well!

Also for the August Roundtable workshop, August 7th, 11am, Modern Fuel Gallery, they can bring pieces of their art they'd like to learn to photograph.

Denise Love

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A.R.T June Announcements

At yesterday’s gathering of the Artists Round Table, (6 in attendance around my dining room table) we talked about projects for the coming meetings. We can meet at my place as it was successful last Summer and may make one of our homes/studios our meeting places in future, taking turns as anyone who wants to host offers. 

We discussed submitting images for shows/grant/award applications and how they are being done more and more online (Zapplication in the US was the first I used years ago). It was thought a workshop on the process might bring some of us out of the dark ages and update us on the right way to photograph our work for such submissions and for our own web use and archives.
From the Modern Fuel Gallery:
Denise has been able to get the New Media Workspace coordinator, Matt Kyba, to present on our workshop morning 11am Aug 7th at the Modern Fuels Gallery.
A $5 donation per person for his time is recommended.
He will also advertise it as a workshop to encourage new folks to come and maybe join artist roundtable so it could be reciprocal. 

From Cathie Hamilton:

Encaustic Workshop Saturday June 16, 11am-4pm, $70.00
Studio 1 at NGB, 12 Cataraqui St. Kingston, K7K 1Z7
Come on in and explore, share ideas and have some fun.

Materials supplied. 

Please contact to confirm.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Art Show in Amherstview


We are excited to announce that we are now featuring a display of art in the gallery room beside the main café.  Artists will be displaying their work on a rotational basis. Until June 30, Nicole Couture-Lord, photographer and Barbara Simard, Fabric Artist, will be our guest artists.  Barbara enjoys creating fabric art scenes of natural settings and floral scenes.  Nicole is a photographer who specializes in photographing natural scenes and flowers, amongst other subjects.
During the month of July, Brian Little, photographer and Jeff Gill, Fabric Artist will be displaying their art.  Brian is a photo artist living on Amherst Island who enjoys a variety of photographic settings including landscapes, fine art and wild life.  Jeff likes being with nature and creates fabric art scenes from photos he has taken of nature and wildlife.
While visiting the gallery, you can also enjoy your favorite coffee, tea and espresso drinks. The café offers comfortable seating, complimentary daily newspapers and free internet access.  
The Café/Gallery is open from 7 am to 7 pm on weekdays and from 8 am to 7 pm on weekends.
Town Coffee Plus Inc. Loyalist Plaza, Amherstview 
(adjacent to the Beer Sore) 
(613) 389-5668

Artists Round Table
June 5th 2012 10:30am
Carolyn's place 

Theme: Show and Tell......bring some of your work.